Labrador Language Services
8 Rue Lantiez, 75017 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 53 06 30 80

Plain language made simple!

Plain language is the set of best practices for writing that improve and speed up comprehension and memorization of your key messages.

Labrador Language Services is the first provider in France to develop a technology that analyzes the clarity of a corporate disclosure text. Our teams of plain language experts use this tool to measure the impact of the texts and improve it.

Plain language is :
reading speed
ease identifying the main message
memorization of key messages
reading enjoyment

Why use plain language?

—  Generate trust and preference among your readers

—  Foster acceptance of the messages and adoption of behaviors by employees and stakeholders

—  Reduce word count by 5% to 20% depending on the type of plain language service you request

—  Optimize the translation process:

  • faster
  • less risk of misinterpretation and need to make choices
  • more cost effective (less time to translate and perform quality control)

—  Attract talent

Plainly: the new plain language technology

Plainly is the technology tool we developed to make your texts more effective. In just three clicks, it assesses the clarity of your corporate texts according to 15 linguistic criteria, quickly pinpoints the most important areas for improvement and produces a new version in plain language.

Whether you choose the free or Pro version, Plainly is the ideal companion to help you improve your corporate texts quickly, objectively and independently.

Plain language in 1 minute

To learn more

Send us a message #inplainlanguage

Need more info?

Labrador Language Services is a subsidiary of the Labrador Group that specializes in translation and plain language